Ep. 395 Vitality Radio Podcast: How Aged Garlic Extract Benefits Every System In Your Body with Jim LaValle


What is Aged Garlic Extract (A.G.E.) and how is it different from the garlic we eat? Can this one thing actually lower cholesterol, improve insulin resistance, keep bones strong, boost immunity and detoxification, and prevent dementia? We tend to compartmentalize our bodily systems, but they are all connected and the cardiovascular system is at the head of them all. Learn the science behind how A.G.E. can impact all of our systems, how to take it, how much to take, and what the research actually shows, on this episode of Vitality Radio, where Jared interviews Jim LaValle all about Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract. You’ll learn its many benefits and how to use it to improve your overall health.

Jim LaValle is an internationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, and board-certified clinical nutritionist, with over 40 years of clinical experience. He is considered a renowned expert in his field.

Click this link to listen in Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/vitality-radio-podcast-with-jared-st-clair/id1499760048?i=1000641534866